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How to make an appointment

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nervous system are one of the main focus points of the Neurology department of the AMC. Neuroinfections Amsterdam focuses on both scientific research and patient care. Therefore a special outpatient clinic has been esthablished for this patient catagory. Patients can be referred by their neurologist for further diagnostics or treatment advise (for example for - chronic - meningitis). Patients can also contact us directly, for instance if you have suffered from a neurological infectious disease and there are unanswered questions or persisting complaints after treatment.

Upon your visit in our outpatient clinica, you will first be seen and examined by an intern (medical student). Subsequently, you will be analyzed by a neurology resident who will perform a complete neurological examination. The neurology resident discusses their findings with Prof. Dr. Diederik van de Beek or Dr. Matthijs Brouwer. If necessary they will repeat (parts of) the examination and after this the conclusion and plan of action will be discussed with you.

It is important for us to have all previous documentation concerning your medical history and results of previous test and scans. Therefore, we prefer patients to be referred through their general practitioner or specialist, who can send all previous correspondence with the letter of referral. Before the appointment with us is scheduled you may be contacted by our secretary to give written permission so that we can request test results or discharge letters from other hospitals.

The letter of referral can be send to:

Dr. M.C. Brouwer, Neurologist
AMC, department of neurology
Meibergdreef 9
1105 AZ Amsterdam

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RT @Sarcoïdosewijzer AMC: De website is live! Voor informatie over sarcoïdose en ons verwijzingscentrum ga naar sarcoidosewijzer.nl #AMC #sarc…



Neuroinfections Amsterdam collaborates with these companies or institutes:

ERC: European Research Council NWO ZonMw AMC: Academisch Medisch Centrum Stichting Steun Emma Kinderziekenhuis AMC